hostEONS:Now with more CPU Cores(CPU核心免费升级),VPS最低5折起

hostEONS发布了CPU核心免费升级的通知,同时加量不加价,各种优惠码仍然有效最低5折起,也可以选择免费升级套餐。这是一家成立于2018年的国外主机商,提供VPS和Hybrid Dedicated Servers产品,数据中心可选美国洛杉矶、纽约和杰克逊维尔等,其中VPS基于OpenVZ或者KVM架构,100M-1G网口,绝大部分不限流量,支持国内的支付宝、微信等付款方式(当然也可以使用PayPal或者信用卡等)。

hostEONS:Now with more CPU Cores(CPU核心免费升级),VPS最低5折起


100 Mbps Unmetered VPS(

KVM VPS 1 - No Change

KVM VPS 2 - Now with 2 CPU cores

KVM VPS 3 - Now with 2 CPU Cores

KVM VPS 4 - Now with 2 CPU Cores

KVM VPS 5 - Now with 3 CPU Cores

KVM VPS 6 - Now with 4 CPU Cores

KVM VPS 7 - Now with 6 CPU Cores

Gigabit KVM VPS(

GBPS VPS 1 - No Change

GBPS VPS 2 - Now with 2 CPU Cores

GBPS VPS 3 - Now with 2 CPU Cores

GBPS VPS 4 - Now with 2 CPU Cores

GBPS VPS 5 - Now with 3 CPU Cores

GBPS VPS 6 - Now with 3 CPU Cores

GBPS VPS 7 - Now with 4 CPU Cores

GBPS VPS 8 - Now with 6 CPU Cores

GBPS VPS 9 - Now with 8 CPU Cores

GBPS VPS 10 - Now with 10 CPU Cores




免费升级:UPGRADE (免费升级到下一级套餐)


